Friday, November 18, 2016


This afternoon, Ron and his wife Mikki came for a visit. Ron was a classmate of Forry's through high school. They used to do a lot of things together -  hunting, bowling, golfing - that kind of stuff, when we lived on the ranch near Ritzville. Ron had heard that we were living over by Potholes State Park, so they came for a visit. It's always good to see people you haven't seen for a long time and catch up on their lives, their kids and their grandkids. They stayed for an enjoyable couple of hours.

It wasn't quite as cold today. The sun never did come out. The skies were very overcast, but so far we have had no more rain. We've pretty much decided that our two little electric heaters that were more than adequate in Arizona are just not going to be enough to do the job here. After looking at several, we went ahead and ordered a small electric fireplace from Camping World.

Forry had been snacking on peanuts this afternoon and wasn't very hungry for supper. I had planned to make some hearty nachos, but ended up just making some hamburger patties with grilled onions. We definitely need to make a grocery run tomorrow.

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