Sunday, November 6, 2016

Home Once Again

After a quick stop at Tonnemaker's Fruit Stand for some tomatoes, a couple of D'anjou pears and two acorn squashes, we arrived home a little after five pm. Of course, with the time change this weekend, it was already dark with almost a half moon guiding us home.

Our GPS unit was suggesting we drive home via Goldendale and Yakima rather than going all the way back to the Tri-cities along the Columbia River. It may be a bit shorter coming that way, but I don't think it saves any gas as there are some pretty steep ridges along the way. Lots of ups and downs. Nonetheless, it was a very pretty drive with lots of color in the hills.

Yesterday was a fun day. Daughter Dawn and Granddaughter Havela had no idea how many people might be in attendance, but they had prepared plenty of food. We went over to the church in the morning, setting up tables  and chairs and decorating. We used the same collections of red and clear marbles and little tea lights in bowls to decorate the tables, along with red roses they had used at their wedding reception. The center of the serving table had a bouquet of red roses and the silver initials that had decorated their wedding cake in Illinois.

It poured rain all afternoon, but rain does not stop Oregonians! There was a nice steady crowd of folks who came and went. I was delighted to see some of my good friends arrive. Margaret is in her nineties now and just recently got a pacemaker. She is such a delight to chat with. Warden and Pat came with their granddaughter and we had a nice visit with them. We also visited with a couple who had worked with us for MDS. I was proud of my granddaughter and her new husband. They did a nice job of circulating and visiting with their guests.

 After cleaning up and vacuuming, we headed back to the house, then changed clothes and headed to the home of their friends, Mark and Hallie, near Canby for the after party. Many of Havela's high school friends came over and we played a hilarious game of cards until after midnight. No wonder I'm tired tonight!

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