Wednesday, February 22, 2017


We could not see across the road this morning, the fog was so thick. Finally, the sun came out and burned it off. It was actually quite warm by noon. The snow is gradually disappearing. There are large circles of grass beginning to show. We saw a couple of the maintenance crew actually out with rakes this afternoon. They were raking up piles of branches and leaves from under the willow trees where the grass was exposed.

It looked sort of funny when we headed for town this afternoon. There is all of the snow and ice, then clear areas of grass with piles of debris. I guess the maintenance crew is anxious to get a start on all the spring cleanup that they are going to have to do.

We headed into town to drop the tax prep stuff off at our accountant's office; picked up some butter and cream cheese; stopped for hamburgers; then went over to Monroe House for Bible Study. Afterwards, we stopped at Dairy Queen for ice cream sandwiches as we headed home. We passed through layers of low clouds on the way. I suppose by morning we'll be fogged in again.

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