Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Clean Sheets

I washed the flowered sheets and put clean sheets - the purple ones - on the bed. That was my major task today.  It's been a beautiful day.  Forry said it was 60 degrees earlier this afternoon. There are more and more patches of green grass showing out there. I had several windows opened for a while this afternoon.

Since it's beginning to get warm, we are seeing fewer and fewer birds at the feeder. When you go outside, however, you can hear birds singing all over the place. I think, the birds think, Spring is actually coming. We still have mounds of snow piled along the edges of the grass that the maintenance crew piled up there when they cleared the roads.

A couple of weeks ago, I bought some smoked pork hocks and put them in the freezer. I got them out today and made a bean soup for supper. I made some corn muffins to go with them. It actually turned out pretty well, though a bit salty.

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