Sunday, September 25, 2016

Another Busy Sunday

When we arrived at Menno this morning, the tent was already up. The guys started at 7 am this morning. By the time church started, it was ready to go for the MCA sale this coming Saturday. We are going to be using the new church addition for a portion of the festivities, but the auction itself will be inside the tent.

I'll be interested to see how much money the My Coins Count raised this morning. The milk bucket that the kids dumped their small buckets into was almost half full. It's pretty obvious that there's going to be more than enough to get the two $1000 match offers. Pretty impressive - and that's not even including however much is contributed Saturday.

We stopped by the storage unit at the ranch to see if there might be a garden rake and/or a small shovel in there, but no such luck. Jeff and Barb and Colby and his bride Maria returned just as we finished up. They had been up checking on the winter wheat. It was good to have a chance to visit with all of them.

On the way home, we went grocery shopping at Safeway in Moses Lake. I've not been for a couple of weeks and Forry was complaining he had nothing to snack on. (He really doesn't appreciate my telling him there are lots of plums and pears available. I don't think he classifies fruit as a snack...)

It got almost up to 90 degrees this afternoon. There's been almost a forty degree temperature change over the last couple of days.

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