Friday, September 16, 2016


You know how it goes. Every once in a while we need to get groceries. We procrastinated for a couple of days, then after Forry talked to Chris and found out he would not be coming out until Monday, we gave in.

We stopped by for a short visit with Pam, a friend we hadn't seen for a while. It took us a bit to get caught up on all that's been going on in her busy life. From there we headed for the grocery store. And then a stop at KFC for supper and home to eat it.

There must have been a hundred quail along the RV park lane as we drove up to check the mail. They like the big blue spruce trees in the park and run from there to the sagebrush outside the park fence. You can count on seeing them just about dusk. We'll have to be sure and get some cracked wheat for them to enjoy this winter.

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